Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Jonathon and Carly have RSV. That's respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus. It's a respiratory virus that infects the lungs and breathing passages and can be really dangerous for babies and small children. Carly's case is really mild and I think, clearing up. I'm pretty sure she caught it first and being a little older she is able to withstand it a little better. Jonathon, being a preemie, was especially susceptible to it and it's more dangerous for him.

Anyway, we are doing breathing treatments on both of them and working hard to keep them hydrated. Jonathon hasn't been able to keep a whole lot down--so we have had to work really hard to help him do so. However, it's been a day or so since he's had a bowel movement. (I know, I know--TMI (too much information.)

The doctor did tell me to worry most if Jonathon stopped having wet diapers. He's good on that front--no pun intended. We've managed to keep enough down him to keep him hydrated. But they said we would need to worry at some point if he started losing weight--thus, the bowel movements are connected to not being able to keep formula down. So, I was VERY EXCITED when I opened his little diaper a few moments ago to find a big (it's all relative) mound of POOP! I just knew all of you would want to share in my joy! Yay! Poop, baby, Poop!

In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers. RSV can be pretty mean to little babies. Love you all, Nancy :)

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