Thursday, October 15, 2009

When I was young my Dad used to tell me stories of his childhood. They were usually funny stories of things he got into and away with but they almost always involved his Grandfather or Grandmother who lived with his family when he was growing up. My dad adored his Grandfather. Now, my Dad has always been a good story teller but he also had what I would describe as a delightfully colorful childhood. If there was mischief to get into he found it and has a story about it. We loved to hear these stories around the dinner table when we were growing up.

I bring this up because I feel like I am watching history repeat itself. I have this very mischievious child who gets into absolutely everything. All of the sudden she has her Grandma and Grandpa here and let me tell you--she ADORES THEM. The first thing she does when she wakes up in the morning is goes and finds them. She chats their ears off. She wants to be where they are, doing what they are doing. I love that my kids are growing up with their grandparents right here with them. I can't wait to hear the stories Carly is going to tell about her Grandpa and Grandma.

I know how much it meant for me to grow up near my Grandparents and what a blessing they were to me. I have such fond memories of them. I only wish the same blessing for my children.

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