Monday, October 12, 2009


It's 3:20 a.m. and Jonathon is wide awake. I'm awake too but but not so wide. Rob handed Jonathon off to me about 2 hours ago. We split the shift tonight because I am still so tired from being up all of last night. I went to bed at about 8:30 p.m. tonight so I could get a few hours of rest before it was my turn to be up. Good thing since Jonathon is showing no sign of closing his gorgeous dark eyes any time soon!

He is waving his arms around and looking intently at me and making sounds like he's actually trying to tell me something. It makes me wonder what he really knows and thinks about at this young age. Somehow, I think it's a lot more than we would believe.

Oh yay, now it is 4:20 a.m. and I have closed eyes and a snoring, sleeping baby in my arms. I will stop my one handed typing and join him in slumber. :)

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