Monday, October 19, 2009


to give her an update on how Jonathon is doing (which is a little bit better) and she gently reminded me she didn't have any pictures of him yet to show off to her friends. She's right! I only have one shot of him on paper and it's one that was taken by the hospital. It's not that I haven't snapped any photos it's just that I am one of those notorious digital photographers who takes the photo and leaves it in the camera. "Oh shoot! (Pun intended!) I keep meaning to order those pictures!"

When Carly was this age she'd already had her own photo shoot with Lori and had some gorgeous professional photos to show for it. It's just that Jonathon has been sick for several weeks and we haven't had the chance to have any taken of him. We have had to keep him at home away from everyone. Being a preemie he is susceptible to everything--so it's been a little harder! That just means I've got to snap more photos and be MORE DILIGENT at getting them out of my camera! So BUG ME PEOPLE until I do! I just have to order pictures! I love the ease of the digital camera for being able to see the pictures immediately and post them online but I hate that it allows you to be so LAZY about never getting them made into pictures! Oh well, what do you expect. I mean, really. I'm only human. Ye Gads!

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