Thursday, December 22, 2011


Just a few quick things. Mom is still doing well. She even felt up to having her hair done today. It did wear her out but it was great that she felt good enough to leave the house for a short bit. We are crossing our fingers that we hear back from the doctor tomorrow (Friday). He thought it was possible that the pathology report could be done on Friday. If it isn't it will be a week or two until we know anything since he is going on vacation. So, cross your fingers and say a prayer or two with us. Dad did another round of physical therapy today and he is plum tuckered out. He is pretty sore too. Luckily, he has a break until next Wednesday. That is a professional break, he won't take a personal one, I'm sure. He will be working out at home probably twice as hard knowing him. Now, on to last minute Christmas shopping! Got lots left to do. Good thing the stores are open late! Take care.

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