Thursday, July 19, 2012


My sister Sarah and I went to breakfast today with a former roommate of ours. We hadn't seen her in 27 years. Sarah found her recently on one the Internet. We had such a great time catching up. We spent nearly 3 hours talking and even then we weren't done but Sarah was supposed to be somewhere else so we had to break it up. It's so nice to find friends from your past and share fun memories. I'm continually surprised at all the things I've forgotten when I find friends from years past and they remind me of something. Sometimes I have to think pretty hard to remember what they are talking about. You know when you are young you don't think you will ever forget the things you go through or the stuff you do. Then pretty soon you turn around and it's been decades since you've thought of those years and you hardly remember anything--or sometimes anyone. In that sense, I think social media has been a good thing. I know it has its detractors and there are lots of ills you can point to but for people like me it's a virtual class reunion--and that's a positive thing. It's a great way to catch up with people you once cared a lot about but because of time and distance you literally may never see again. For me, it has been so much fun finding former friends and roommates and seeing what they are up to and what they created with their lives. Yay for social media!

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