Friday, January 28, 2011


Rob just got home! I'm very happy! He's been in Denver the last few days doing some training and I've missed him very much. I've got a couple of monkey's under the weather and a third one with a hurt paw. That makes single parenting pretty tough.

Carly and Jon both seem to be running low grade fevers, though Carly has been the most miserable. She keeps telling me her head hurts, too. I've been giving her Tylenol and that has been helping. Jon hasn't complained at all but he is more lethargic than usual.

Julie's wrist and hand are bugging her but she hasn't done anything to them that should make them hurt. It's not even her dominant hand so it's kind of weird. Finally took her in for XRays tonight but nothing was wrong with it. They just decided to immobilized it for awhile to see if that would help. My theory is that she is sleeping on it wrong and not realizing it. I guess time will tell.

We had a birthday party here for my niece Keelie tonight. She turned 7. Carly loves Keelie! It was fun to have her over! Especially the cake part!
Mostly, I am just so darn glad to have my hubby home! Yay for me!

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