Thursday, June 3, 2010


I remembered why I don't like gardening today. We pounded at the hard dirt in our flower beds for about 3 hours today and made about four feet of progress. Mom, Julie and I took shovels and hoes to the dirt and tried to break it up as much as possible and smooth it out so we could add peat moss to it. It took us nearly the whole three hours to go four feet. But we did get that four feet planted with Zinnias and Alyssum. It looks really nice. If only there wasn't so much more to go. Yikes!

Carly came out and wanted to help but she had to stay on the porch and help Grandpa direct the project. She wasn't very happy with that. She wanted to play in the dirt instead. No dice. We had lots of complaints from the peanut gallery but we managed to stave them off. We finally had to get her some sidewalk chalk and let her draw on the steps to keep her from driving us and Grandpa crazy. (You know it's not very far in either case!) Anyway, we were having enough trouble with the dirt we didn't need a two year old in the middle of it!

Well, that was all there was to our day. Not much else got done--not even the laundry I started. Oh, don't remind me . . .

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