Monday, December 14, 2009


Wow, today has been no fun at all and that means starting today from midnight on. Jonathon or Jon-uh-non as Carly calls him has been one miserable little boy. He has been coughing and weezing and really having labored breathing. I think I slept an hour while he was asleep on my chest. Rob didn't sleep at all. We gave him breathing treatments and everything and nothing seemed to make it better. This morning we finally took him to the ER since we know our doctors would just tell us to give him breathing treatments or send us to the ER. We spent most of the day there with them giving him X-rays and breathing treatments, suctioning out his nose, sending off tests, etc. It looked for awhile like they might keep him overnight but his chest X-rays came back clear so they let us bring him home. There is still a possibility he could have a viral pneumonia that the X-rays don't pick up but the tests they sent off should tell us whether he has anything serious going on or not. Luckily, he was doing better enough that we have him at home. I will keep you posted on how things go.

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