Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Julie is still out of school for Christmas break and I'm glad. It gives me some help to get things back in order from the holiday rigamarole. She and I cleaned and sorted and put things away today. We took out the trash and wow, do we make a lot of trash! We cut up all the boxes we got things in for Christmas so we could fit them in the trash. We were busy beavers and still we didn't get everything done. We still have the tree up--well, both of them actually. We had planned to take one of them down and leave the other up until New Year's but didn't even manage to get one down. Guess that happens when you have a munchkin or two running around--not geting your list of things done, that is.

Grandma managed to make it out to exchange a few things today and even do a little shopping. I think she got her fill of standing in lines, though. She was pretty worn out when she got home. I refuse to stand in lines. If I have to exchange anything I wait until a few weeks after the holiday when no one cares anymore and the lines are gone. They would pretty much have to be bread lines to get me to stand in them. There's nothing I want that bad (at least that I can think of at the moment :}.

I didn't even leave the house until almost 8:00 p.m. and it was probably a good thing. It was only 10 degrees outside. I just had a quick errand and I was glad to get back inside where it was warm. I sound terribly boring tonight.

Jonathon and I are both leaning against pillows having a staring contest to see who falls asleep first. I think I need to let him win this one. Darn.

Night. :}

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