Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We took a little family trip for a few days and went with Rob on one of his installs. It has been pretty fun. We went about four hours from home and stayed in a big hotel. The kids had a blast swimming or as Jono puts it "fwimming" everyday. We took them to see Despicable Me 2. It's really a cute movie. We loved the first one and the second one is just as good or better. The kids and I hung out at the hotel everyday while Rob worked and then we played at night.

We had one of those great family suites so the kids had their own room and then we also had a kitchen and living room. I could even give the kids their favorite thing--heh, heh, heh -- NAPS! Lol!

It always nice to get away for a few days but there's nothing like getting away for a few days to make you appreciate home! Humans--we're just complicated, eh?! Lol!

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