Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I decided I needed to get some exercise this morning and so I took the kids downstairs with me. I got Jonathon all set up on his blanket with some toys and his bottle. He was having fun and playing around. I turned on Yo Gabba Gabba (Don't ask me--it's a funky children's show) for Carly. She loves it and it does teach her some good things like shapes and colors. As soon as they were set I got on the treadmill which is right there in front of the TV and blanket. I walked for a good half hour.

Right near the end of that time I guess Carly was getting bored with her show because she wandered over to the exercise bike. I watched her and she started to climb onto the seat. I told her not to and she didn't listen to me. I told her again to stop and she ignored me again. The third time I told her to stop I said with some emphasis, "Carly, I am going to count to three and you had better get off that bike or you are going to go to bed." I started counting . . . ONE, TWO, THREE . . . I wasn't expecting what I heard next. It was Carly finishing what I started-- four, five, six, . . . seven, eight, nine, ten! And she finished that ten with an exclamation point! She was happily counting to ten! What could I do but smile. My two year old just counted to ten. She totally missed my threat but showed me something she had learned.

Now mind you, this isn't something she learned from Yo Gabba Gabba. No, she learned this from her Grandpa when he was working with his voice coach. He had to practice making his voice stronger because of his Parkinson's and so she gave him simple words and phrases to repeat out loud. One of them was counting and Carly would count with him. So, she did get off the bike but it was to give Mommy a big hug because her big girl is such a good counter. I guess we will learn to mind another day. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Shelli Sivert said...

Nancy, I have so many moments when I'm trying to discipline and I just end up laughing because he did something cute. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem! This made me laugh out loud. Your children are just so cute--and growing fast too! Thanks for all the Easter traditions. I really appreciate your friendship!