Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dad is still in the rehabilitation center and continues to do well. He is receiving both physical and occupational therapy. I think Mom and Dad finally got the message through to the therapists that they could not work Dad's shoulders and arms the way they were working them. I guess the therapists were afraid his arms and shoulders would freeze up if they didn't work them but didn't understand they were bad enough that Dad is scheduled to have shoulder replacement surgery in a few months. So, we now have kinder, gentler therapy on the upper half of his body.

His knee is healing really well and doesn't cause him much pain at all. Even his polio leg seems to be a little stronger. He still has to watch his balance but we think that has more to do with the Parkinson's than anything else. We have a care conference with the center tomorrow that should give us more information on how long Dad's rehab will need to be.

Mom is tired but hanging in there. More later. :}

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