Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Had a Dr. appt. this morning in my old stomping ground so I was able to have lunch with one of my dear friends. It was really nice to see her and spend time catching up. Thanks to my Mom for wrestling the little ones so I could be gone for that long. Trust me when I say that is no easy chore! I took Jonathon with me to the store tonight to pick up a couple of things and then stopped to get a pizza on the way home. Holy Tornado Batman! I don't know how it is that I forget how BAD he is when I take him in public by myself!! I've got to stop doing that until he turns ten! I won't even tell you what he did at the grocery store but at the pizza place they had to bring him back to me from the kitchen. Yes, you heard that right. I try holding him in my arms but he is one strong little bugger. And he is fast when he runs. I knew I should have named him Chase! Lol. Well, I have to get in bed so I can finish cleaning my house tomorrow before company arrives for the holiday. If you are one of the ones coming to my house for the holiday disregard the last sentence--my house is always spotless. :)

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