Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, yesterday was an interesting day. I ended up at the hospital with my brother-in-law who was in the emergency room with a kidney stone. Rob had one once and they are NO FUN! Luckily for Steve-he passed his in a matter of hours and I brought him home to our house so we could fuss over him for a while.

The only thing I did of note today was weed the garden. It looks so good. Our tomatoes and lettuce are growing really fast. The peppers are coming along really well,too. Everything else is on the slow-grow plan.

Carly helped me weed (not so much). She actually sat on my lap the whole time and when she tried to help she reached for the real plants to pull them and I had to steer her in a different direction. Rob was mowing the lawn while we were weeding and everytime he would stop and turn the mower off Carly would clap for him. It was pretty funny.

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