Saturday, June 27, 2009

Naked Dog

I took one of my dogs to the groomer today. Her name is Sadie. She's a beautiful mix of Lab and Collie but her fur is predominently Collie. Once or twice a year I get fed up with all the dog hair and decide to have the dogs shaved. Our other dog, Tashie, is a Lab mix also but she looks like a purebred black lab and sheds like one too. Her appointment with the groomer is on Monday. Anyway, when I took Sadie in she looked a bit like Lassie and when I went to pick her up she was completely NAKED! No kidding. She is shaved down to her skin--or as close as you can get and still leave a layer of hair on her skin. The funny thing is she loves it. She does look a little dorky--but she doesn't care. She has been so hot that it just feels good to her.

We had a dog growing up, our Cockapoo Toby, that if you even trimmed his hair he'd hide behind a chair or a couch for a week because he was so embarrassed. It's nice to have a dog that doesn't care how she looks as long as it feels good.

Stay tuned for the sequal--Naked Dog 2, coming Monday! Hee, Hee, Hee!

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