Thursday, February 20, 2014


The weather is messin' with me. Today it was all sunny and nice again. Oh well, I'll take it. I was just glad to have a lovely day. It was a little chilly but I didn't care. It was just nice to have some sunshine!

Rob called me late afternoon and was heading to a hospital where he usually does some work. However, he told me he was headed there because his brother was in the ER really sick. They weren't sure what was wrong but thought he might even have meningitis. We went through a couple of hours of nervousness and his brother had to have a spinal tap but, thankfully, it came back negative. They think it is just a really bad virus. In the end, the symptoms remind me of what Rob had at the end of December that ended up being a really bad flu. His head hurt worse than he could remember it ever hurting and his body ached all over and he felt really, really sick. Anyway, we feel really blessed that this didn't turn out to be meningitis. They have him on some strong meds so hopefully he can start to get better quickly.

Rob and I have both lost some weight recently. In fact, we'd both like to lose a little more--though we're feeling pretty good with where we've gotten so far. We spent a month on the Whole30 Paleo diet to clean out our guts but it helped our waistline as well. We plan to continue eating Paleo-rific about 85% of the time (except when we don't.) That will help "our guts" stay clean and our waistlines thin--hopefully. However, tonight I just wasn't in the mood for Paleo anything! We had to make a trip to Costco and right by Costco is this nice little Asian restaurant called Pei Wei. It is so YUMMY! You guessed it--I talked Rob in to taking me to dinner there and we were both a bit naughty. Hopefully, it won't show too much tomorrow.

I did run for 20 minutes today and do 1,000 sit ups! Yes, you read that right. I am trying to get rid of my tummy. OK, maybe not completely rid of it--but just flatten it a little. Lol! :D

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