Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Last night I was helping the kids with one of their happy meal games and it had some random names from Despicable Me 2 in it. Agnes was one of the little girls names. Carly picked right up on it and said, "Agnes is a really pretty name Mommy. I really like it." "Oh," I said. "I'm glad." I was kind of shrugging the whole thing off, but Carly continued. "Mom, why didn't you name me Agnes?" I said, "Well, honey, because I love the name I gave you and Agnes really isn't one of my favorite names, but I'm glad you like it." 

Now Jonathon who had been listening intently to our conversation piped up and said (rather indignantly), "Yah Mommy! Why didn't you name me Grandpa?! I nearly burst out laughing. (Well, maybe I did actually laugh a little bit out loud.) Then I explained to him that he is actually named after both of his Grandpas, his Father and an Uncle. He is one little boy with a very BIG name! I sure love him -- and some days he is just my silly, silly boy!

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