Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jackie Chan, Rice Krispy Treats and Thou

D5 and I woke up sick today. It's no wonder with all the people who had to pick her up at the wedding. Everytime I looked around someone else was holding her--and several times I didn't even know the person. That was kind of buggy. I know everyone thinks she's adorable--and she is--I just wish if they were sick they would have thought to leave her alone. Anyway, she's been coughing and had a runny nose. I woke up with a really sore throat--so I wonder if she's got that as well.

I made some chicken soup for dinner and then hubby brought out a Jackie Chan movie he'd just gotten for us to watch. It's called Myth. We love Jackie Chan. This one has subtitles through part of it--and I'm not crazy about that--but otherwise it's a good movie. I made chocolate rice krispy treats for dessert and we are just sitting here as a family enjoying the movie and each other. May not sound like much--but it is real nice.

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