Thursday, August 8, 2013


Today was a bit busy. We hurried through the morning just doing our usual routine but we had an afternoon full of plans. The kids went back to neighborhood summer camp today. It is a really fun idea. I think there were probably a dozen kids there in the 3-5 age range. Today they made and iced sugar cookies, painted finger nails, played all kinds of outdoor games and drew pictures.

Our friend who is holding the camp is helping her daughter do it as a fundraiser. I think she needs the money for something at school. Anyway, they have done two different ages of kids, 3-5 and 6-8. They did each group for two days and did all kinds of activities with them - some indoor and some outdoor. For instance, yesterday the games they played were outdoor. They had them wear swimsuits and then played on the slip and slide. They also played Red Rover and some other yard games. Plus, both days they got refreshments.

And for two days this week all of us mom's got a 2 hour break! For those of you who didn't catch that--All of the mom's who let their kids participate got four free hours this week! F-O-U-R, 1, 2, 3, 4 hours of free all me by myself mommy time! Get it? Got it? Good! And all that for only $10 a kid. I can't get a babysitter that cheap! Good gravy!

My main point is the kids had a blast! My second point is it's a great idea for a fundraiser idea, too if you just need to make a little money for something--assuming you like kids and all.

While the kids were at the summer camp I ran over and helped one of our friends who is moving do a little packing for about an hour. They were pretty close to done with the packing when I arrived so we just finished up the odds and ends. I am going back in the morning to help clean.

Once we all got home again, Rob joined us and we headed off to Lagoon to meet some friends. We spent about four hours over there tonight. We rode the rides and took in one show. It was just nice to be there as a family and have friends there too.

Well, better go for now. Take care. N.

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