Sunday, November 8, 2009


Carly has been having mood swings. I mean she can go from happy to major melt down faster than a speeding locomotive can jump the tracks. She has the biggest tears of anyone I've ever met and before her tears are halfway down her face she is giggling and laughing again. It would be a lot cuter if it weren't so constant. Is this the preview to the terrible twos? Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. Oh my goodness!

It reminds me of my sister's Susan's little girl Alyssa. When Alyssa was about 4 or 5 she was being really dramatic and Susan was telling someone how "Melodramatic" she was. Alyssa apparently overheard her, though didn't understand exactly what her Mom was talking about because a few minutes later she came and made the funniest statement to her. She said; "Mom, will you feel my head; I think I have melodramatic?" LOL!

I think that's where we're at right now. I think Carly has melodramatic! I just wish there was a treatment for it.

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