Monday, March 16, 2009


Yesterday was such a sweet day at church. Carly was being a LOT fussy during our last meeting and I had to leave with her. Way too noisy. I took her out to the foyer and sat down on the couch with her and tried to feed her a bottle but she didn't want it. She stood up on my lap and pointed to a framed portrait behind me and said, "Jesus." I was so excited. I said "Yes, that's right." Then she pointed to another one across the room and said the same thing. She was right again. I picked her up and we went walking down the hallway and passed a few more and she picked him out everytime--even when there were more people in the picture than just him--she could put her finger right on him. I'm thinking this is pretty good for a 13 month old!

When she was really tiny and fussy, I would carry her through the hall and stop at the pictures and tell her about Jesus and point to him. I had an idea at the time that she knew all about him and remembered him even better than I did. It's funny but I haven't done that with her for a long time so I was surprised yesterday when she just came out with it so clearly. Guess my first impression was right. She has come so recently from him she remembers.


Shelli Sivert said...

That is so sweet! They really do take in the things we teach them. Especially when it comes to Jesus--like you say, so close to their memories. Shelli

Stephanie said...

How precious!