Thursday, March 26, 2009


Talk about cranky! Wow! Carly has a favorite blanky. It is warm and fuzzy with cute ducks all over it and since she started seriously teething she loves to suck on the corners of it. She goes to sleep at night sucking on it and we find her laying awake happily sucking on it just waiting for us to come and get her in the morning. It really is her whoobie and she is darned serious about it.

Anyway, Rob put her to bed tonight, not realizing her ducky blanket was not in her crib. Serious faux paux. All of the sudden I hear her blood curtling screaming coming from her bedroom and Rob comes running out saying "Ducky blanket, ducky blanket" as fast as he can while he's looking all around. He located it quickly in the living room and ran back to the bedroom with it. Silence. That's all she wanted. Translation: DON'T PUT ME DOWN WITHOUT DUCKY! Trust me, we all got the message. We are blanky cranky at our house!

1 comment:

Shelli Sivert said...

That's cute. I can just picture Rob running around yelling for the ducky blanket!