Monday, March 23, 2009


Oh my goodness! I did not know a one year old could have a hair meltdown but believe me you--it happened! Julie and I decided we would get brave and take on Carly's hair. I had seen a fourteen month old last week whose cute curly hair had been braided into some cute extensions and pulled into pony-tails and it was adorable. I talked to her mom and she told me it took several hours but she gave her little girl lots of breaks and plenty of treats and let her watch cartoons and she got through it just fine. Well, Carly is thirteen months, so I figured, "What the heck?! Let's give it a try!"

Julie and I went shopping and got all the cremes and goos, the clips, rubberbands, extensions and most important the treats. We came home and washed her hair and got everything ready--turned on the cartoons, sectioned off her hair, gave her some treats and began---GETTING SCREAMED AT!! And when she was done screaming she would take a break and yell at us! She did not want her hair touched. She did want some of the treats in between the yelling--but please stop touching my hair Mom!

I think maybe we will wait a year or so to try that again. Hmmm.

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