Sunday, February 10, 2008

To Blog . . .

Some have wondered where the word "blog" came from. I know it certainly wasn't a word that could be found in my high school dictionary. Anyway, my peeps tell me it started out being called a Web Log and is a personal online diary or for some a "pulpit" of sorts.

Well, you can see how that's just a mouthful to say. I mean, Web Log doesn't just tumble easily off your tongue. "Hey Joe, go check out my Web Log. It's really cool." I mean you can't say Web Log six time fast without it becoming a different word anyway. So, like every other difficult to pronounce name, i.e. Tzouanakis to TZ (my grade school principal) or phrase "blood-sucking-parasite" to "teenager" it got shortened to "BLOG." See example--Web log=(weblog). Make sense now? More history than you cared to know? Yah, I thought so. Sorry.

**(In fairness I do have to give my husband credit for the teenager comment--although he is trying to be humorous! I can't have all the fun by myself.)

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