Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. We've had a sick little boy and lots of catching up to do. Thankfully, we have him well again now. Early Spring is always a tough time for him. The combination of allergy and asthma hit him pretty hard and it seems like we never quite get the right one, two punch before it hits him.

As I said before, we are very glad to have Grandma back. The kids are very happy but Grandpa may be the happiest! He only had me as his nurse-maid for those days and my attention was going in four directions--though, I really did try hard to take good care of him. I will say he was a very good patient--and he was really good and patient, also.

The weather here has been really nice this past week. I was able to get out and do some clean up on the yard last evening and the kids were able to be outside and play with friends while I did that. It was probably near 70 degrees today. I think tomorrow and the next day we are in for some rain and a little cooler weather but after that it's supposed to warm back up.

Mom had a really nice visit with her sister Kaye and brother-in-law Bob and their daughter Ronda. I thought I'd let you see a couple of photos from her trip. Have a terrific day!

Carolyn and Kaye

Kaye, Ronda and Bob

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