Monday, May 16, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa and friends made huge progress on the flower gardens over the weekend and today. They are really starting to look good. Rob and his brother Steve got the rototiller out and worked magic on the hard, clay-like dirt they were working with. It's almost like working with real dirt now! Lol! I really will take pictures this year and show you what they are doing but I want to wait until they get a bit more done.

Julie, Jono and Carly were even big helpers with the gardening. You should have seen Jon with his little shovel! He was such a proud big helper. He is definitely all boy!

It was so nice and warm Saturday and yesterday with temperatures in the upper 70's-80's. Today we still had the sun but the temps were in the 40's and 50's! Major difference! Nearly froze!

Well, that's all I know right now. More later.

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