Friday, April 23, 2010


Carly has a sweet tooth that goes all the way from her teeth down to her toes. In fact, if she thinks something looks the tiniest bit like candy she has to have it. Sometimes what she thinks looks like candy isn't actually candy--but no amount of talking will convince her of that. She has to find it out all by herself.

A couple of weeks ago we went through this and I thought she had it figured out but tonight we had a repeat of the exact same situation so I'm thinking this two year-old's memory may need a re-boot! We have a couple of the big containers of bouillon--both chicken and beef. They are in pretty red and yellow foil. They look like candy. They don't taste like candy. Convince a two year old of that with only words. No way! Trouble is -- as I said. We let her prove to us two weeks ago that it was candy. She didn't win and she didn't much like it, either. Today, she had to try it again. Same result. Icky! I wonder how many times we will go through this before her eyes and her tongue connect. Hmmmm. If it happens again I'm taping it for posterity. Lol!

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