Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today was a pretty normal Sunday around here. We got up and went to church. Came home, took a nap and fixed dinner. Then we had some family over tonight and watched Avatar. It was pretty good. (Okay, well to be honest. What I've seen so far was pretty good.) Carly and Jonathon started acting up the last half hour so Rob and I each took a child and put them to bed and missed the ending. Guess we will catch it together later. Oh, the joys of children! Lol!

Dad over-did it a little bit yesterday. He didn't feel good at all today and was really worn out so he spent most of the day resting. Hopefully, he will have a better day tomorrow after having gotten some rest. Mom is doing really well. She is still doing PT on her shoulder and I think is making progress.

Jonathon is so active now that he is all over the place. He loves to hear his own voice, too. It is really funny! He sounds almost like a lion roaring. And he's constantly hungry--he is going to be such a BIG boy! And I thought Rob's feet were big. Ha!

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