Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday--The Day We Clean The Garage

Howdeedo! Our garage has been a nightmare ever since we moved in to our house. We kind of just unloaded two homes into our garage except for the comfortable stuff and then stopped. Everyonce in a while we turn on the light and throw some food and water at it in case there is anything living out there. Otherwise we are just plain scared of it! Ha!

Today we actually opened the door and unloaded the whole garage and got through a good 2/3 of the stuff. Hubby is determined that I will park my van in it for the winter. We did get the riding mower pulled in and a space big enough for the van made--that is until we had to bring the other third back in at dark. Darn. Well, we are still going to get through it in the next few days! We are serious about this project. We took a huge load to DI. Yeah for us!

It feels good to unload a bunch of crud! Yahoo!

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