Thursday, September 2, 2010


Went to Grandma's Dr. appt. and found out she does have a rotor cuff tear and will need surgery to repair it. I guess the bright side is that they can repair it and eventually she will feel better. They gave Mom a cortizone shot a few weeks ago that has made her shoulder feel a little better so the Doc wants her to wait until that wears off and she is in serious pain again to schedule her surgery.

Dad went along and promptly announced to the Doc that he was cancelling his surgery. Susan and I were both there for the appt. and were able to get some answers from the surgeon for Dad that made him feel more comfortable with the recovery and rehab process. Before we left, Dad did reschedule for late October and we are hopeful he will keep that appointment. His pain is pretty significant and that limits his movement and ability to do much, so it worries us when he talks about not having the shoulder surgery at all.

He needs all the POSITIVE reinforcement he can get right now. So keep your "success" stories and happy calls coming. Have a nice night and day! :)

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