Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Oh my goodness, either my little one has the "terrible twos" or I have a "hellion" coming! Okay, I'm just venting at the end of one of those really hard days with your toddler. It will be better tomorrow, right? I'm pretty sure this is my Mom and Dad's fault anyway--they wished days like this on me a long, long time ago. (Yes, you did--you said, "I hope you have one just like you!")

I did not know that a 14 month old could be so opinionated. She wants what she wants when she wants it. Oh, and she seems to only want to do things I've told her she can't do which makes her throw a tantrum.

She doesn't understand why I don't want her grabbing my glass of water and running through the house with it as it sloshes all over the carpet. Why would that upset me, right? She also doesn't understand why she can't grab folders of paper and empty them all over the floor or unfold the laundry I just folded or why she can't turn her sippy cup upside down on the living room table or couch and press it down until it empties slowly all over the place. She doesn't like that I won't let her open the front door or throw her food off her high chair tray instead of eating it or put every single thing she picks up into her mouth.

Apparently, Mommy is just completely unreasonable! Whenever, I try to get her to stop one of these behaviors (or in english--just plain stop it)--she screams and cries and sometimes swats at me. Then she does it again anyway. This is definitely terrible two territory--right?!

When she's not doing this she's actually a very happy little girl but Oh My Goodness, the toddler stuff is a whole new experience. Wow!

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