Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well, it may not have been a major miracle but it sure felt like one. Jonathon has been in the hospital again for the last few days. He had a quick flu come on and his breathing issues hit him quickly and down he went. It all happened so fast. So, we have been living at the hospital with him and he is just old enough this time to have an opinion about the place. You guessed it--HE HATES IT! Poor little guy was getting poked and pricked and filled full of all kinds of meds. Just when it looked like we were going to have to stay for a third day the doctor came in and let us go home. Jonathon was so happy to have all the tubes and restraints removed he was running up and down the hospital halls (not good for the lungs, but apparently good for the spirits!)

We couldn't get him to eat or drink much in the hospital but since returning home we are starting to see his appetite return. Yay! Now, to get some sleep. ~ Snore :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I wondered why your blog had gone silent. I hope all goes well. Char