Monday, March 14, 2011


Grandpa went for a checkup today with his shoulder surgeon. The doctor thought he was doing great! We love good news like that! I helped him do some of his home PT this morning before he left for his appointment. I was really surprised and impressed at how far he could move his arm above and behind his head without pain. He could never have done that before the surgery. He even had me pull it up farther than he could raise it himself and hold it there to stretch it. I am amazed at the progress he's made.

Wedding plans are moving forward. Lots to do. Little time. Lots of scurrying about. Lol! It's all good.

It's warming up here! Yay! Hopefully, we are done with snow for the year! I'm ready for some SUNSHINE! I'll bet you are too!

Well, better get this Momma to bed. More later

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