Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Wow, out of the blue we got hit with a blizzard tonight. I say out of the blue but then maybe I just wasn't paying attention to the weather reports. Seems like it came out of nowhere. And when I say blizzard, I do mean blizzard! We had winds of up to 55 miles per hour tonight with the heavy snow. Luckily, we had done all our Thanksgiving food shopping and stocked up on what we needed otherwise. Rob had just come in from work when it started, too. So, we all just holed up in here and I made a big pot of broccoli, cheese and chicken soup along with hot rolls. It was yummy. Grandpa even came upstairs to eat with us.

We all stayed in tonight so don't know just how bad it is on the roads now. It's after midnight now. They closed everything early here today and have closed schools and all the universities tomorrow. They even cancelled surgeries at the hospitals. It's been a long time since we've had one like this. Takes me back to the Blizzard of '78 in Indiana. I'm just glad to be indoors and hope everyone who is outdoors stays safe.

Take care everyone and Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

only_human said...

haha yeah... I got about 2 inches at my house, it really dumped on us... and Weber decided to open for classes this morning. (But lucky for me I went to class yesterday so I didn't have to venture out on the ice)