Thursday, July 15, 2010


I applaud all the single mothers in the world. I don't know how they do it but I think they are truly amazing! I've been without Rob and Julie for several days this week (and I've even had Grandma and Grandpa as back up) and it's been really hard to keep up with my toddlers, the housewor and my life. Hmmm. Maybe I'm just a wimp?!

Rob was gone overnight again last night after being in Denver for two days earlier this week so I am really, really behind and overtired to boot. Thank goodness our terrific daughter Megan came over for a few hours today and let me take a nap! I love you, Megan!

Rob is home now and all is well. He even insisted on cooking tonight. Wendy's was great! Hah! Perfect and no dishes! On to tomorrow! lol!

1 comment:

Shelli Sivert said...

I echo your sentiments, there. I took Jed to Utah for the Fourth of July and being a "single parent" is rough! We had family activities going on the first few days, then I decided to come home early. (I had originally planned to stay a week.) I was just plain exhausted!