Sunday, July 25, 2010


Thank goodness for good neighbors and friends or I never would have made it through Church today. Julie, the babies and I were batching it since Rob had to work. So after Sacrament meeting I took Carly to nursery but she threw a tantrum and wouldn't stay. (All of the sudden she is shy after going for almost an entire year with no problem? Go figure!) So, I sent Julie on to her class and took Carly and Jonathon to my adult Sunday School class with the help of my friend Robin. She has a one year old baby herself!

Anyway, Robin's husband is holding Jonathon, Robin has her baby-Ellie and I have Carly. Carly is not happy. Church happens right in the middle of her nap time as it is and then to have to sit in adult Sunday School -- well, you can imagine--tantrum city! I decide to take Carly home and put her down for a nap knowing Grandma and Grandpa will be there. Robin and her husband watch Jon while I run Carly home and get her down. I get back in time for the very end of Sunday School and the last meeting. Jon decides to be rather loud, but happy (still disruptive) during the last meeting. I decide, "Oh well, he isn't the first baby they've ever seen. I give up." I came home, put him down for a nap and collapsed!

I like it much better when Daddy comes with us! :)

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