Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Well, the last three days have been kind of crazy. On the fourth of July Rob woke up vomiting around 4 a.m and was sick like that for several hours. He seemed to snap out of it around noon and other than not having much of an appetite seemed to be better. That is until around 7 p.m. when it started all over again but with rib and back pain. It finally hit him what was going on. He realized he was passing a kidney stone. So, instead of shooting off fireworks as planned, we headed to the ER just as Seth and Sally headed back to their hotel for their last night here. We had planned to take them to the airport early the next morning but had to have Mom and Dad take them instead.

As it turned out, Rob didn't have "a" kidney stone. He had given birth to twin stones. As the ER doc told him: "You have Gi-NORMOUS Bilateral  Kidney stones--one on each kidney. I've never seen anything like it!" Unfortunately, he also had a high white cell count and an infection that was making the whole situation more dangerous so the docs felt they needed to admit him so they could keep a close eye on him to insure he didn't have any complications that would cause him to go into renal failure. (Just a little scary!) Thank Heaven he didn't.

Funny side note, though. While we were waiting in the ER for a Urologist to decide whether or not to keep Rob they sent an intern in to give him a pain shot. When he came in and saw Rob laying and not writhing in pain he couldn't believe it. (Rob had already had a pain shot a few hours earlier and it was just starting to wear off.) Anyway, I guess stones as large as the ones Rob has (the medical people were all referring to them as boulders) normally cause unbearable pain, the kind some medications won't even touch. Luckily for Rob, his pain tolerance was fairly high that day.

This intern could not believe Rob was being so calm and quiet and kept going on about it to Rob and me. After he left the room we could hear him talking with the docs and nurses in the outer area about this HE-MAN in one of the rooms that had the highest pain tolerance he'd ever seen. He just kept going on about it like Rob was the Incredible Hulk or Super Man. Finally, we heard him tell them: "Seriously, this guy is my new Hero!" Lol! We got a pretty good laugh out of it and I think it did cheer Rob up a little. :)

Oh, he is home now. Getting the infection under control . Still has the stones for the moment but he is going to have a sound disruption on them in a couple days. Pain is much less. I will keep you posted.

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