Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just a thought, not that it would work or anything . . .

Julie is doing a basketball camp this week. It's four days, two and a half hours a day. She hasn't really moved her body a lot this summer so she comes home more sore each day and a little surprised by it. She has a volleyball camp next week--same schedule. Seems like we did this same thing last year. I suggested to her that maybe if she wants to do the same thing next year she might want to exercise a little each day all summer instead of trying to shock her body into movement it's not used to with two weeks of intensive training only to have it slap her back with aching soreness and bruises--especially if she's only going to stop again again for another year. Actually, she is' hoping to make one of the teams. But then that was the hope last year, too. I do think my plan is a pretty good one. Remind me again, why is it no one ever listens to the mom? Hmmmmm . . .

1 comment:

Shi Tzu Sammy said...

I've recently purchased a Wii Fit. It's a fun way to "work out."