Monday, August 11, 2008


My kids have all been cranky. I didn't get anything I planned to get done today finished and my year old lap top crashed tonight. Hubby has been trying to fix it but so far no luck. I don't really want to talk about it.

On the other hand, I'm very grateful for my cranky kids whom I love very much. I'm lucky to have a fairly new laptop and a loving husband who would spend the last 5 hours trying to fix it--and a desktop computer as a back up! And what I didn't get done today will be there tomorrow. Guess I don't have it bad at all. Maybe I'm the one who is cranky. I'd probably better get somesleep. Turns out I am very blessed and I am actually very grateful to a loving Father in Heaven for all my wonderful blessings. I think tomorrow I will have a better attitude and a better day. :)

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