We have a pre-op appointment in the morning at 11:15 and should find out then what time surgery is on Thursday. We have another doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon not directly related to the surgery and between the two that should take up most of our day.
I will post something on here tomorrow when we get back to let you know the time of surgery. We would be so grateful if you would keep Dad in your thoughts and prayers more especially on Thursday. Not only that he makes it through the surgery without any complications but also that his pain level will be low and that he will be blessed with peace and comfort as he goes into surgery.
Well, I did promise pictures with the Harris's and I deliver on my promises! Actually, they have new names around here. Carly has adopted them and they are now Boppa and Nana! In fact, they are going to babysit for her and Jonathon while Mom and I take Dad to his appointments tomorrow. Carly has been really picky about who she will go to for the last 6-8 months and when Jane Ann came in the door and asked for a hug Carly ran right over and gave her one! Unbelievable! Amazing! I say she has the magic touch!
It is really wonderful to have Boppa and Nana here. It has really picked up Dad's spirits and given him something to do and think about besides sit and worry about the coming surgery (which he would have done.) My parents have amazing friends--they always have had. Thank you to all of you who have been so wonderful to them. My sisters and I all thank you and love you. And especially thank you Jim and Jane Ann. Who gets in their car and drives 2,000 miles because their friend is having surgery? You guys are amazing! We love and adore you!
One last thing before I post the pictures and end this for tonight. I just want to say: God Bless the Class of 1957!! You are the best and closest class I have ever seen. You have stayed close and been good to each other. It's been fun to watch. What a blessing you all are to each other! Ya'll come see us, too!

Dad and Jim chewing the fat!

I made everyone pose for this one (and they called me bossy!) Who me-bossy? :}
Aren't they cute, though? Very, very cute!

Apparently, Carly didn't think they were cute enough. She insisted, and I do mean "insisted" on being in the picture with them! So, what do you think--Are they cuter with or without her? Trick question-be careful what you say! I'm the mommy! :)
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