Thursday, February 11, 2010


We had a really busy day. Mom and Dad started early. I think Dad saw all of his Home Health Care helpers today, i.e. physical, occupational therapists, aides etc. and then the big wig came and tested him and made sure he was doing as well as they were reporting. He was and so Dad graduated from Home Health Care today! He won't need them again until after surgery.

Then we took the hour drive to get his test done. After that he had an hour long class that gave all the specifics of his knee surgery and answered any questions you could have afterward. It was really thorough. Then, we did something we haven't done in months. We went out to eat. All in all I'd say we wore John Henry plum out. But, it was a good thing. I think we wore Mom and me out, too only probably not quite to the degree we wore Dad out.

This surgery is going to be a BIG DEAL. With his other leg not really cooperating the way it used to it will be interesting to say the least. We need lots of prayers on his behalf that everything works well and he is able to walk and use his legs again to get around. This is a new world for him--even though I think he knew someday it would come. Knowing it intellectually and having it actually happen that you can't move your body without help are two different things. It is upsetting. Please send your most chipper thoughts this way. Love you all, Nancy

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