Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Had a wonderful and long overdue visit with a dear friend of mine today; one of those I miss most from my former life. That's my way of saying I don't miss my career but I do miss some of the wonderful friends I made along the way. I wish some of them lived closer because they became like family to me.

Rob was gone overnight last night and Julie is home from school due to the holiday and an administrative day tomorrow. With all the mix of schedules Carly has gotten a little bit mouthy and hasn't been minding as well. I made the mistake of letting her go to the store with Julie and me tonight and we paid dearly. She told us "NO!" She threw tantrums! She sassed and got bossy and none of my usual parenting methods to settle her down worked. None of the threats were taking effect and you just don't swat your kid anymore or someone calls the ALCU and gets them a lawyer.

I was at my wits end when Rob called to check in for the day, so I explained what was going on to him and handed the phone to Carly. Needless to say, she did not want to take the call! Lol! Well, that bought five minutes of good behavior from her. Luckily, I was still talking to Rob when things got bad again so I put her back on the phone with him and that gave me another 10. Unfortunately, I had another 20 or so minutes of shopping to do. By the time I left the store I was up to my neck in irritation. When we got home she got in trouble and got to go to bed pretty quickly!

I always heard that two's were terrible! Isn't that why we called them the TERRIBLE TWO'S?? For the last year or so, people have been saying to me, "Oh, if you think the two's are bad, wait till you get to the three's." I kept thinking, "No Way! There is no saying about the threes! We've never been warned about the threes! You can't just surprise parents with this after the fact!" Well, apparently they can!

So, I'm here to tell all of you that didn't get pre-warned! I don't know for sure but it's looking pretty much like it's true since we are only a month away from the threes and my adorable little girl's terrible's are starting to turn to horrible's. Yep, I'm here to warn ya! Apparently, there are the Terrible Two's, the Travesty Threes and I don't even want to think about the Felony Fours . . . LOL!

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