Wednesday, January 26, 2011


are little monsters! Jonathon turned 17 months on the 24th. Carly will be three in a couple of weeks. They are on both ends of two so what else should I expect, right? I really needed a decibel meter today to measure the noise level. They are into screaming now and when one screams the other screams just to top it! And on and on it goes~ . . . So lovely! No wonder I've been having migraines! Lol!

The last couple of weeks they have been fighting their naps, too. It takes me a minimum of three times each to get them down for their nap and they are in separate rooms so that isn't the problem. If I let them stay up they are cranky as all get out!

I'm missing my cute, cuddly babies who just laid in my arms and cooed and smiled. These ones have opinions, likes and dislikes and they don't always agree with me. (Go figure.) This too shall pass, right? It's just a phase, isn't it? Where are my ruby red slippers? Aunty Em, Aunty Em! There's no place like home. There's no place like home . . .

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