Monday, December 27, 2010


Now what to do with all the leftovers? Our fridge is bulging with leftovers. Our guests didn't eat as much as we planned on and of course, you can't freeze everything. Sure, we could eat it all, if we want to gain 20 lbs each. I mean, not only do we have what is in the fridge but the goodies in our stockings, train candy and neighbor gifts of candy, too. I mean, someone has to eat it all. I guess we just need to draw straws and see who has to go up a size or two in clothes this year! Lol!!

Oh wait, there is still New Years. Maybe we could pawn some off on some unsuspecting New Years guests! Wanna come to a party at our house? Sure you do! C'mon over and don't forget to wear your chubby pants and bring your suspenders! Can't wait to seee you! Lol!

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