Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's almost three a.m. and it's officially the twenty-third of December. Rob, me and his brother Steve have been shopping, wrapping and cleaning (I've been doing the latter--cleaning carpets.) We are crazy people! We know! But for some reason we all just got going and didn't stop! Hopefully, this will allow us to have a good night's sleep tomorrow night though. Maybe we won't be wrapping until midnight.

I did finally get to the post office to mail some things today. Lol! I waited so long I outwaited the lines. Seriously, there were only four cars in the parking lot when I got there and I think two of them were employees. I couldn't believe it!

I think maybe Grandma and Grandpa have turned off the lights in their Christmas card factory. They've been up and running all month but the lights dimmed this afternoon and I think the last batch went out around four today. I think they let the elves go home early, too. Lol!

All the snow we were supposed to get this week turned into rain and the ground turned to mud. Ick! Hopefully, Santa will bring some of the white stuff with him when he comes. Well, gotta get this girl to bed. Night all.

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