Friday, December 10, 2010


Wow, waking up this morning and realizing it wasn't all a dream made it all the better news to us that Sarah does not have Scleroderma or any other autoimmune disease for that matter. There are moments when we think we might want to strangle the rheumatologist who made the wrong diagnosis for all the months of worry and distress he put her and the rest of us through. Then we realize the relief we feel that she isn't really sick FAR outweighs and upset we have at the false diagnois! (Lucky doctor!)

Sarah is in for her last test right now. It is about ten minutes after one p.m. here on Friday. She is having an EGD or basically a scope of the Esophogus and stomach if I understand it correctly. I've had one before but I was put under for it so I'm not sure what all they look at. Anyway, as soon as she is done with that test we will take off for home. We are all checked out of our hotel and loaded. I think we are anxious enough to get home that we may try to drive straight through. That's why I am posting tomorrow's page a little early as I will not have access to the Internet on our drive.

This trip has actually been a lot of fun for all of us, I think. (Well, maybe not as much for Sarah.) We have gotten to spend a lot of time with each other just joking around and playing like we haven't in years. Just Mom, Dad and kids. All the inside jokes, teasing and fun like we used to do to each other before we all left home. Fun stuff.

Dad has been a good sport considering he does not have the mobility he would like. That has made the trip longer and probably more painful for him because of all the sitting involved. But he is doing great and we are going home much happier and more peaceful than when we started this trip.

Thanks for all your love, prayers and support. Thanks to the Mayo Clinic and their staff and especially thanks to our Father in Heaven. :)

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