Sunday, January 17, 2010


I love that you read my blog but it doesn't mean you have had a conversation with me. I don't know how many people have told me they haven't called me or written for a VERY LONG TIME because they feel like they have talked to me since they read my blog. Keep in mind unless you make a comment once in a while or drop me an email, I don't even know you're reading it! I love to hear from you--I even love you! So, write me, call me, text me--but please be in touch from time to time. Pretty please.

Grandpa is doing about the same. He is up and around a bit downstairs but we don't try to have him climb the stairs. We are looking into the possibility of getting a stairlift to make it easier to get him up and down. Grandma made a yummy supper tonight. It was a new recipe with chicken, wild rice, cranberries, mushrooms, cheese and heavy cream. Rob and I got an afternoon nap after church. That was yummy, too.
All in all it was a terrific Sunday.

We are praying for the people in Haiti. It is hard to see the images coming in from there and imagine the suffering they are going through. God bless them.

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