Monday, January 25, 2010


It's been one of "Those" days, i.e., not enough sleep, migraine, screaming children, finding out you made dumb mistakes that come back to haunt you--you know one of T H O S E days. It's almost time to fall asleep and I'm hoping for some sweet dreams and kids in better moods tomorrow.

I did forget to mention last night that I talked to my friend Jane on the phone whom I haven't talked to in at least six months and had a really nice conversation. I like having friends where no matter how long its been since you have seen each other or spoken you can just pick up where you left off. In fact, the day before that, my friend Taylor called and it had been a couple of months since we talked and it was the same. It's nice to be able to do that. It's like being completely at home with someone. That's a great feeling.

Mom went to her PT today. I guess she's having that 3 times a week. They worked her over pretty good but she seemed no worse for wear. Hopefully, it will help her foot. Dad actually seemed a little better to me tonight. Rob and Steve gave him a blessing. That was nice.

Well, not much else going on here--at least worth mentioning. Take care ya'll.

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