Sunday, January 24, 2010


I feel a little better knowing that not long before I was born my big sister Susan apparently loved the word "No" too. My mom told me she remembers Susan, who was not yet two, screaming "No" at her quite a bit! Susan and I are only 18 months apart so Mom thinks maybe Susan entered the terrible two's a little early as well. I guess that means there is hope for Carly coming through this phase soon!

Jonathon turned five months old on Saturday. I can't believe how fast it's gone and how much he's grown! He's so amazing. We are so blessed to have him in our family. He wants to stand up a lot now--with us holding his hands, of course. He's also starting to teethe--the slobbering and chewing on his hands part. He can and does put his whole fist in his mouth at times. Although, he usually is just chewing on two or three fingers at once. He also knows his name and will turn and smile if you call him. He is so darn sweet! Wish you could all meet him and hold him!

We had an uneventful day today--which is good. Dad's still not doing great. His pain level is pretty high and he isn't moving well. Please keep him and mom in your prayers. This is pretty rough going for them. Mom's health is good but I think they both can use all the support, love and prayers they can get. We are all really thankful for your friendship and concern. We just wish his surgery date wasn't so far away still. It's at the end of February but that seems like forever when he needs a working leg. Well, that's all for now. Please keep us in your thoughts . . .

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